Project summary
Emma Denby, a Norfolk Artist, will work Thetford businesses and schools to utilise waste materials from businesses to create a sculpture trail around Thetford. This sculpture trail will draw inspiration from previous LCEP projects such as The Book of Thetford, and the Riverside Trail. The sculptures and their preliminary work will be displayed at the Royal Norfolk Show.
Funding sources and costings
Artist - £6,600 funded by Drake Primary School
Royal Norfolk Show - estimated costings £2000 - funded by Drake Primary School
Material costs
Promotional material
Printing of trials and promotional material
Launch event and pop up art gallery
A photographer to document the project
Project networks and services provided
LCEP Board Member(s) leading this project: Louise McLeod
Emma Denby will be working with 6 education settings to create sculptures. She will also attend the Royal Norfolk Show to showcase the project and to create a sculpture with visitors to the Thetford LCEP tent.
Local businesses: Sharon and Wayne Azzopardi, Camvac, Shadwell Est Company Ltd, Thetford Town Council, Peerless, Warren Services, BTO, THIS, Baxters, Center Parcs, Thetford Garden Centre, Charles Burrell/About Thetford, Euston Estate
All businesses are providing their waste materials to create the sculptures and they are also facilitating visits for their partner schools (businesses listed above).
Local schools and nurseries: Admirals Academy, Bishop’s CE Primary Academy, Busy Bees Nursery, Drake Primary School and Little Pirates Childcare, Norwich Road Academy, Queensway Infant and Junior Academy, Raleigh Infant Academy, Redcastle Family School, The Damara School. Thetford Academy Specialist Resource Base, Traquinas Nursery
Thetford Academy, West Suffolk College and Thetford Grammar School will be supporting schools to plan and complete their sculptures for the trail.
Drake Primary School are hosting an LCEP tent at the Royal Norfolk Show to showcase the trail and the Pop Up Art Gallery in the Autumn.
Thetford Business Forum and Thet Zero are liaising schools and business.
Thetford Town Council will be supporting the siting of the Sculpture Trail and of the Pop Up Art Gallery.
Pupils will
work with art practitioners within our town and a local high quality artist, benefitting from the expertise and learning about creative career routes.
gain an insight into the artistic process - including researching, designing and creating sculptures.
have opportunities to co-construct the project.
have their work values and celebrated by their community.
School staff will
collaborate with colleagues from across the town; building a diverse learning community, refining practice and developing positive and rewarding relationships.
build their confidence in Art and Design knowledge skills.
learn more about displaying work and creating a gallery environment.
Community members will
have art installations embedded at the heart of their town that provoke conversations around their locality and the environment.