Project summary

In 2024, Thetford LCEP will deliver a ‘Create & Design’ project to Year 5s across Thetford. ‘Create & Design’ from the Royal Opera House is an introduction for pupils to the world of stage design. It is a hands-on design skills programme that supports pupils’ creative problem-solving, develops empathy, builds career understanding, and connections between STEM and the arts. Participating schools will receive CPD from the ROH, then deliver a scheme of work to their Year 5 pupils. Staff will be supported through detailed teaching resources and ongoing collaboration with the ROH. The project will culminate with a virtual sharing event and a showcase gallery at a town venue TBC.

Funding sources and costings

Participating schools to provide materials

ROH to provide staff CPD for free

Town Council to support with providing a showcase venue

We will also need a photographer to document the project

Project networks and services provided

LCEP Board Member(s) leading this project: Louise McLeod

ROH will provide CPD for all teachers and a detailed scheme of work

Local schools will follow the schemes of work and host showcasing events with families

Drake Primary School will host the CPD event for teachers


Pupils will

  • develop their design and creative problem-solving skills becoming thoughtful and critical designers and makers who are able to solve real problems.

  • experience the creative process designers take to bring a story from the page to the stage.

  • work with a creative practitioner, learning about their industry and career opportunities.

  • collaborate with their peers from across the town, supporting their future transition to High School.

School staff will

  • increase their confidence to deliver the Design & Technology and Art & Design curriculum.

  • work with professionals from the Royal Opera House.

  • collaborate with colleagues from across the town; building a diverse learning community, refining practice and developing positive and rewarding relationships.


The project will be completed annually by Year 5 It will be fully integrated into their curriculum, supporting high quality Design and Technology teaching and learning, and incorporating meaningful links with other subjects such as STEM, art and computing. By learning about this industry, staff, pupils and families will come to understand the importance of design and technology to the culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.


Colours of Thetford


ROH: Create and Sing