Project summary

Every year, Thetford schools are invited to participate in a Children’s Lantern Parade to celebrate Thetford Town Councils’ switching of the Christmas lights. Children and families have the opportunity to work with a range of professionals to create lanterns, to learn songs and to drum. The community comes together to create a spectacle of light and sound to celebrate the coming of Christmas.

Funding sources and costings


Drake Primary – Family and pupil drumming sessions - £2000.00

Drake Primary – Lantern making workshops - £2310.00

Drake Primary - Choral teacher - £204.00

Brecks Fen Edge & Rivers Landscape Partnership Scheme – Family willow workshops and large willow sculptures - £600.00


Drake Primary – Family and pupil drumming sessions - £800.00

Drake Primary - Willow workshops and the supply of materials: £1247.50

Norwich Road School – Materials for lantern making

Project networks and services provided

LCEP Board Member(s) leading this project: Louise McLeod

Thetford Town Council liaise with the schools in Thetford to create a singing event. They help coordinate the route and support plans to include a large number of children in a parade. They support all the children during the parades, ensuring the event runs smoothly and successfully.

Willow Phoenix attend schools, to work with pupils, families and staff in creating willow sculptures and lanterns. They deliver a CPD session for teachers to help develop their lantern making skills. They also supply materials and instruction videos for schools to create lanterns.

Musicians Dave Mitchell and Lindsay Carruthers work with pupils at Drake to create Samba and song performances for the parades. They also deliver workshops to families.

BFER have provided funding for family lantern making workshops

Drake Primary School co-ordinate the making of lanterns



  • are sharing in memorable and ambitious arts experiences with children from across the town

  • work with a range of artists to learn new skills and have an insight into different creative professions

  • are building relationships with our partners and progressing their skills each year

School staff

  • have an annual opportunity to work alongside artistic practitioners developing their knowledge, skills and understanding

  • share memorable experiences with their pupils, families and colleagues

The Thetford community come together to celebrate and engage in new ways with the identity, rich diversity and unique heritage of Thetford’s riverside. Alongside our young people, families have opportunities to attend high quality workshops including lantern making, singing and drumming. Each year, the spectacle is awe inspiring, bringing together our community for a memorable shared experience. The sight and sounds of our families parading through the town integrates schools into the community.


Drake Primary School, have built lantern making into their staff wellbeing days - allowing all staff to progress their skills, while supporting wellbeing.

The LCEP will continue to hold an annual Children’s Lantern Parade.


ROH: Create and Dance


The Book of Thetford